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School Communications
We feel best results occur when parents / whānau, students and teachers work together and support one another in a shared endeavour. The key to the success of this relationship is effective communication.
Our open door policy means that Parents / whānau are free at any time to make an appointment to meet with any of our team at a mutually convenient time.
From time to time, in a people oriented activity such as education, there will be concerns.
When these occur, it is important that all parties involved work together to obtain a solution that is mutually acceptable and best for all concerned.
Our team is always happy to answer questions or queries via email or meet with you to discuss your concerns face to face, whenever possible.
Recent School Newsletters
- February 7, 2025 Fergusson Intermediate Newsletter Term 1, 2025
- November 28, 2024 Fergusson Intermediate Meet The Teacher for 2025
- July 23, 2024 Fergusson Intermediate Newsletter Term 3, 2024
Where to find information
A newsletter is sent home digitally using Educa. This is one forum to recognise and celebrate success. It is full of important information and includes student reports and perspectives, BOT updates, as well as recent and upcoming events and opportunities.
Our school uses EDUCA as it’s home school communication tool. Students play an important part in this process, regularly posting updates reflecting about their learning. Parents have the ability to interact, commenting on progress and asking a question. If you are not currently connected via EDUCA, contact the school office ASAP.
Our school website and Facebook page are also great sources of information and recent activities.
Sharing our learning with parents and whānau
As well as informal updates via email or phone calls, posts on our digital platforms such as Facebook or Educa, access to student work and portfolios through Google Docs and our fortnightly newsletter, we also have a formal reporting schedule which provides both written feedback on learner progress and the chance to discuss this and set, or reflect, on individual goals.
In February, you will have an opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and share relevant information that will help them get to know your child as soon as possible. A mid year progress report will come home at the end of Term 2, followed by parent / student / teacher conferences soon after. A final summative report will go home in December.
Reporting for our Technology classes will be shared via our Educa platform as students complete the relevant technology class.